Friday, December 12, 2008

Angie: Thanks to our Adults...

Hey everyone,
So... on Tuesday night, all the adult volunteers got together for the Youth Ministry Appreciation and Awards Dinner, sponsored by the Diocese. St. Mark volunteers filled up a full table (plus two chairs we stole from another table). It was a fun night of laughter for the adults who you all know and love.

Ellen Schaad (3rd picture above) was honored as our Volunteer of the Year. Ellen's been helping with Girls' CLC for the past five years. Make sure you congratulate her when you see her next. :) Another CLC moderator, Eric McDade (4th picture above), was seen helping to "clean up" at the end of the appreciation dinner. Don't worry... those bottles are sparkling cider. :)

And if you get a chance, I hope you'll say "thank you" to all the adults who help with youth ministry activities here at St. Mark. We couldn't do anything without their help!!



1 comment:

Brian Porter said...

Wait what about your super volunteer, lol. Jk you guys deserve to get recognized. Keep up the good work. I will hopefully be working with you guys this summer.